Sunflower Community at Continental Ranch
- Village Center Fiesta Room Addition -
Residents of the Sunflower Community Association,
This web page has been established to keep members of the Association informed of the Fiesta Room Addition project, whether you are a full time resident or head to cooler climes over the summer. Please feel free to check back frequently for updates!
Post Date: 6-26-12 |
The first draft of the proposed Fiesta Room expansion design drawings is now complete. The drawings are being reviewed by the Community Improvement Committee. As changes are made the drawings will be updated. Suggestions, comments and opinions about this project are encouraged and may be sent to the Sunflower Community General Manager, Melissa Low, at sunfloweraz1@comcast.net. A Town Hall meeting will take place in the near future to discuss these drawings and the project itself. Stay tuned for more updates on the status of this project that is up for consideration.
view drawings
CDG Architectso•oFrank Mascia, FAIAo•o1 E. Broadway #708o•oTucson, Arizona 85701o•o(520) 907-6531o•owww.cdg-architects.com